Efficient Enterprise IT teams always run in two modes; One enabling optimization of RUN
and the other enabling continuous transformation enabling CHANGE. Digital adaptability, Innovation and Design thinking are essential.
Digital Transformation is a continuous journey. Our digital transformation investments
are guided by strong belief framework. We assess these beliefs regularly to align to future needs of the industry.

Digital Continuum
Digital Transformation is not new. It has been happening since the time computing existed and it will continue to disrupt the way IT is consumed in a positive way...
Two Mode IT Teams
Efficient Enterprise IT teams practice operating in two distinctly different but seamlessly coherent styles of work: One focused on predictability (Mode 1)...
Points of Failures Exploding
Devices such as smart watches, smart phones, health bands, smart home devices, smart cars, digital assistants, industrial sensors and GPS enabled transportation...
Adaptability is Key
We should continuously enable our team to perform at the base level and next level to support customers’ digital transformation...
Digital Forces
There are five major forces are driving digital today. Enterprises and their service partners which can harness these forces constructively and securely are very likely...